Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about the details of the services provided by Kayel Group

Frequently asked questions

Can i guarantee my money when i export?

You can secure your payment with the contracts to be made within the scope of international payment methods determined by the World Trade Organization (WTO).

How do I become an exporter?

In order to start exporting, it is necessary to have an officially established company within the borders of Turkey. This firm can be selected from types such as Incorporated Company, Limited Company and Private Company. When this company passes the registration stages to the Tax Office, Trade Registry Office, Chamber of Commerce and Exporters Union, it will gain the title of exporter company.

What are the pre-export steps and what needs to be done?

After all the Feasibility Analysis, Foreign Market Entry Planning, Application steps are successfully organized, you will be ready for export.

How can I become a member of exporters associations?

In order to export, at least one of the 61 exporters' unions organized under 13 General Secretariats affiliated to TİM in accordance with the Law on the Establishment and Duties of the Turkish Exporters Assembly and Exporters Unions must be a member. In addition, it is necessary to become a member of the Unions for services such as registering exports in the field of activities of the Unions, participation in UR-GE projects, international trade fairs, sectoral trade delegations, purchasing delegations, market researches and trainings.